Sensor the size of a nitrogen atom investigates hard drives

Integrated circuitry is becoming increasingly complex. These days a Pentium processor contains some 30 million transistors. And the magnetic structures found in hard drives measure just 10 to 20 nanometers across – less than a flu virus at 80 to 120 nanometers in diameter. Read more.

Moon has Earth’s oxygen, planetary researchers say

A team of Japanese planetary researchers led by Osaka University’s Professor Kentaro Terada has discovered that the solar wind and Earth’s magnetic field can transport high-energy ions of biogenic oxygen from the atmosphere of our planet to the lunar surface. “The Earth is protected from solar wind and cosmic rays by the planet’s magnetic field,” Professor Terada and colleagues explained. Read more. The study is referenced here.

Invasive species eat little plankton and cause big problems

With increased globalization, our world has seen unprecedented levels of connectivity resulting in human-caused spread and introduction of organisms. This rapid dispersal of species at both temporal and spatial scales can result in invasive species which have severe negative consequences for the natural function of our ecosystems. Read more.

How did our solar system form? Clemson scientists have a new theory

While scientists have made many impressive discoveries about the universe over the years, they have yet to agree on a single model that explains how the solar system formed. The prevailing theory is that a massive star exploded billions of years ago and compressed a dense cloud of interstellar dust and gas until it collapsed under the force of gravity to form new stars — including our sun.

But scientists at the University of Chicago and Clemson University have proposed an alternative theory that suggests the solar system instead formed within the walls of a massive bubble surrounding a Wolf-Rayet star. Read more. See the study here.